Zlatan Ibrahimovic, one of the most popular football players of all time, comes from Sweden to show us real moves. His age is 34 and he plays for PSG-Paris Saint German. He is my favourite football player because of his unique way of scoring and the way he gets past the enemy's whole defence in just mere seconds like he is just casually walking. Before PSG he was part of Ajax, Juventus, Barcelona and AC Milan, not mentioning he is in Sweden's football team since 2001. He is awesome i hope you will like him and I found a music song about him and his career. Go check it out! Enjoy!
El vídeo es sobre Zlatan Ibrahimovic. Es uno de los más populares jugadores de fútbol. Es de Suecia. El ha jugado en PSG y en el equipo nacional de su país. La canción refleja su carrera futbolística. ¡Que la disfruten!
Gracias Radu.
Pierna de oro....